Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Would you take a risk of dating one of your friends and ruining your friendship?
I hope I've helped.
I need to spice up my sex life!

My boyfriend and I have been together a little over 2 years and we have had some problems in the relationship with communication, and other things that couples usually go through from time to time. He says our sex life is boring. That our sex is OKAY, but getting boring, and that he wants me to try to be like a porn star (which personally offends me even though I know better.)
I've worn lingerie but he just takes it off and trys to have sex. I'm too shy to try stripping, but should I just do it anyway? We are sexual everyday. He likes me to go down on him everyday, or touch him and play with him everyday, which I dont mind. We also walk around naked all the time. Is this taking away from our sex life? We've used toys but he doesn't seem interested that much in them anymore. And porn used to be a regular thing, but now its on occasion. We've had a three some, but don't suggest that because I wont be allowing it again. It just didn't sit well with me emotionally.
He basically likes one position and always trys to end up in that one position, even though I tell him to switch it up He doesn't. And I tell him to try more areas. He sticks to the bed. What should I do? He says he knows this and will try but he never does. He says I don't seem like I'm having sex for love, but to just go through the motions. I feel the same, but of him. I try to kiss him, make noises and tell him how I feel. But, he makes me shush because everyone can hear everything in our apartment complex.
It doesn't seem like my efforts go anywhere. I know I must be boring in bed and I'm not all too experienced. Any suggestions? I've tried everything I can think of. We love each other very much and are faithful to one another. We have stresses, but we're trying to work them out and I really want to regain our sex life. Please help!
It sounds like you're putting in the effort to spice things up. You don't sound boring in bed in the least bit! You're a regular sex vixen (and I mean that as a complement.) He's the dud. First, if you're not comfortable stripping for him, then don't do it. Don't do anything you're not ready to do.
Second of all, you're doing enough to bring some life back into the sex. He now needs to make an effort, and telling you to be like a porn star doesn't count. Ask him what he would like, since your efforts aren't working for him. Complaining without offering any suggestions doesn't cut it. Then tell him you need him to take some initiative instead of having to do all of the work yourself. Relationships are give and take, even in (or if you're lucky, out of) the bed.
Your sex life is too thought out. It lacks spontaneity, and passion. But since you two are also having problems outside of sex, could it be that your stale sex life is a reflection of your other problems? Its possible that if you solve your other problems first, the sex may fall into place.
Sex With My Brother In Law

Sex With My Brother in Law
This is really embarassing for me. Last week my wife and I were visiting her brother and his wife in California. Our wives went out to visit some old maid aunt and my brother-in-law ad I were watching a football game and dinking a few beers, just normal guy stuff. Our wives called to say they were gonna spend the night since the aunt was sick. When the game was over, we did a few tequila shots and then this movie came on with a sex scene. I don't know how it happened, but we got wasted. We started kissing and before we knew it, we were getting undressed.To make a long story short, we wound up having gay (unprotected) sex. I woke up the next day in his bed naked with a major hangover. Luckily, we got everything cleaned up before the wives came back. I don't know how this happened or what to do. Believe me or not, I have NEVER had a homosexual desire in my life. If my wife finds out, she will leave me and I love her. I CANNOT tell her, she will never forgive me for having sex with her little brother. To make matters worse, my brother-in-law is threatening to tell her. What can I do? Telling my wife the truth is NOT an option, so please don't even say it.
Well, since you're set on not telling her, you need to talk with your brother in law and find out why he wants to tell her. Try to explain to him, that you made a big mistake, and you love your wife and want you don't want to loose her. Then ask him what he's hoping to achieve by telling her.
Either way, if she finds out, it's not just you she'll be through with. She'll be done with her brother as well. I think you should also be honest with yourself. No matter how wasted you get, you don't sleep with someone that you have absolutely no desire for. It may be hard to face, but you don't want to fool yourself. In the end, all secrets come to the surface. If she finds out now, she'll be upset, but with time she may come around. If she finds out from someone else after some time has passed, she won't be able to get over it. At that point, its beyond betrayal. Its also the fact that you hid it from her. I just think you should consider the outcome of all possible decisions. Good luck. And for future reference, stay away from the Tequila.
I hope I've helped!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Great Gifts under $50 for Men
I hope I've helped.
Have I done the right thing?

I've been with my partner for two years, and have a one year old son. My partner is always telling me how stupid I am, or how lazy I am because I am just a mother. He drinks a lot, takes drugs a lot, and stays in bed all day, and works long hours. Sometimes he can be a caring man and nice, and a wonderful father. But, its destroying my confidence being with him. I told him I want to leave, and he said nobody would ever want to be with me. I hope I have done the right thing for me and my son, but I dont want to deprive my son. Please help.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Do I have some kind of freak on my hands or what?

Sunday, November 2, 2008
How do I get a man to divorce his wife and be with me?

How do I get a man to divorce his wife and be with me?
He's only staying with her for the kids which doesn't make much sense to me.
Did it ever occur to you the pain you might cause the wife, or his kids? Or the fact that she'd now have to raise their kids alone? Did it ever occur to you that if you had this man to yourself, he might cheat on you too? Probably not.
These situations always end up the same. You can't make anyone do anything that they don't want to do. If he wanted to leave his wife, believe me, he would leave. He's using his kids as an excuse to you, while stringing you along. He's having his cake, and eating it, and you're feeding it to him darling. And, think about it, the last thing you would want is for him to leave his wife for you, then later find out that he's now cheating on you with someone else. Walk away.
I hope I've helped.
How do you let a man know you find him attractive in public?

You know those moments when you're on the bus or walking along the street and a nice guy catches your eye or you see him checking you out? What do you do as a woman in those situations?
Why don't some black men date black women?

In the beginning of America, white slave masters could rape black women, and it was acceptable and encouraged. Black men could do nothing about it at that time. Some say that subconsciously black men that only date white women do so, as a response to what happened during slavery. Either way, there are still very prominent race issues in this country, and I think that these type of men have these dating preferences because of their own insecurities and feels of inferiority.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I would be happy to at least get a text message.

My ex and I dated for a while. We promised before to talk things out even though we decided to end the relationship...but after this argument, he just disappeared. We were having quite a few fights before, but we've always talked things out. We are adults (in our 30's). What gives the coward this immature approach of ending something? Unless he's been cheating on me that I was not aware of.......or unless something happened to him? That is just plain rude. Very confused!
I'm sorry to break it to you, but it's not a Taiwanese men "thing" to leave as a way of ending a relationship. Several men do it. Men and women think very differently. When a woman initiates a breakup, she explains why she wants to break up, what went wrong, what he/she could have done, etc. The list could go on.
Men on the other hand, just nip it in the bud leaving us gals wanting to know why. They don't see the need in explaining everything. And in some cowardly cases, their nipping it in the bud is just disappearing without any reason whatsoever. They do this to "avoid hurting the other person," or so that they don't have to be around to see the other person's pain. Focus on what you can do about the situation. You can deal with the pain and/or anger, and move on. Prepare yourself for a happier/healthier relationship.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Online Dating Advice
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Would you get married to someone who wasn't 100% sure he or she could be faithful to you?

My husband and I have opposite work shifts because of our daughter. How do we keep the sex life going good?

Sunday, October 19, 2008
I worry I am too boring...?

And as far as the drinking, well you already know what I think. But never drink to get people to like you. You're fabulous. They just don't know it yet.
Friday, October 17, 2008
How can he lie to me when it comes to using protection?

Thursday, October 16, 2008
If you caught your husband with an account on adult internet hook up account what would you do?

If you caught your husband with an account on adult internet hook up account what would you do?
I found an email alerting my husband of a new message from someone at a dating service/hook up site, so I went to it and he left the user sign in and password as remember me, so I logged in. I read inbox messages and etc, and the main thing is that his profile said "blah, blah, blah, I need a good f*ck." Needless to say I am/was devastated, when I confronted him he said that he created the account so that I would find it and know how it feels to be cheated on. (I cheated on him in the beginning of our relationship b-4 marriage, ever 4 years ago.) No I don't believe him, and even if he "didn't" cheat, he had/has the intention of cheating.... Lost and Hurt, please help!!! I'm also ready to pop pregnant with our child.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through.
I personally think he was lying about "wanting you to know what it feels like to be cheated on." A person is likely to say almost anything to keep their tracks covered when busted in the act of cheating. Although you have no proof that he physically cheated on you, he definitely stepped outside the boundaries of your relationship.Let's say he was telling the truth. He can't use your previous indiscretion to his benefit. When you're in a relationship and you choose to forgive someone, you have to let that sh&t go. If you can't, then you say so upfront, not 4 plus years later with a baby on the way. He DOES not get to use that to excuse his behavior.I also think that his reaction was extremely harsh, and insensitive since you two are having a baby together soon. If he's this way now, don't expect him to be better when the baby is born. This is a situation that you'll have to see yourself through. Figure out how you feel knowing this. Can you forgive him? Can you trust him? Do you feel that he still loves you? Do you think he'll be there for your family? Take some time to think about this and decide what your next step will be. Either way, be prepared to stick it out whether you stay in your marriage, or try to fly without him. Best of luck to you, and congratulations on the baby.
I hope I've helped.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What can I do to get my money back?

Well, you can find some way to try to get her to communicate with you, be it by telephone, email or a Craig's List posting. However, this doesn't mean she'll give you your money back. And because she's in another country, you can't use the law to get it back. Let's face it, you've been robbed!!!
For future reference, never date anyone in another country that you met on Craig's List. And if you do, NEVER send them money. And for my own personal knowledge, have you two ever met face to face?
Sorry I couldn't help.
Here's a little video regarding services and such posted on Craig's List. It's a little off the subject, but I found it hard to resist.
Monday, October 13, 2008
How do you meet guys?

Today I was at the grocery store and I noticed a very cute guy. Then I thought, why does it even matter that I see a cute guy at a grocery store because I most likely will never meet him or even know his name. I mean how do you actually meet guys? I meet some when I go out but I really want to mix it up and go for a different type of guy. Any advice?
Well, first you have to get over the idea of rejection. I think fear of rejection is one of the main reasons people don't take charge of situations like these. For example, you didn't meet the guy in the grocery store because neither of you took a step.
So he didn't approach you. You could of approached him by asking his advice on what to make for dinner that night. That would have allowed you to feel him out to see if he seemed interested in you. If so, you could have offered to make dinner for him sometime. So what if you can't cook. There's a great take out place in every neighborhood.
The next time you're at a grocery store, football game, bookstore and any place else, try approaching a hot guy if he doesn't approach you first and just see what happens. Make flirting fun. It should be anyway. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
Very complicated relationship situation.

Ok, its a little embarrassing to be talking about this especially on the net , but I honestly am lost. Her name is Lola. We've been best friends for 5 years, one and a half of those years we dated. Lost our virginity to each other ... and so on. We broke up about 1 year ago. And we remain good friends. While we were broken up I tried the typical guy thing to do to try and get over her.. I slept around. Immature.. I know. I have been all over the world working, I've met alot of women, I find myself to be a pretty attractive guy. But none compares to the kind of intensity I've shared with this woman. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I've never been some comfortable with a woman in my life. I would give anything to get her back. But I don't want to ruin the friendship we have, I would rather her be in my life as a friend than not at all. She is dating some guy who's been lying to her all the time. At this point I just want her to be happy. I would love to not love her anymore, but I've tried.. and I cant. She is still the one I think about all the time. Any advice would be appreciated. Should i just not talk to her anymore , or tell her how I feel about her?
First of all, don't worry about expressing your feelings on the internet. With the modern era of online dating and internet based social groups, you're just keeping up with the times.
I don't think removing her from your life is an option for you. You love her and respect the friendship that you have with her, so I'm sure you would regret not having her in your life. However, I think telling her how you feel while she's seeing someone else might be a bad move. If her boyfriend is constantly lying to her, it won't last.
Continue being friends with her, and explain to her how you feel when she's out of her relationship. Chances are she might feel the same way. If not, at least you can live without the regret of never telling her, and will still have a solid friendship.
I hope I've helped.
I don't know what to do about my boyfriend?
Okay, so he recently got arrested outside of my house, it had nothing to do with me, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and was in jail for a day or two and now says he doesnt want to talk to me and he can't legally talk to me because he was arrested at my house. We have a dog together, and he came over today just to get the dog, I then asked him what was going on and he just said he didnt want to talk to me. My sister then talked to him and he said he just needed time to think and that it was hard for him to talk to me. there is this girl that has liked him for a long time now, and he told her he was going to her house to take pictures with her today. If things are so hard why is he talking to this girl and not me?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems that he doesn't want to be with you any more, and is using this to get out of the relationship. Let him go. If he really cares about you, he'll come around. If not, then at least you haven't wasted anymore time on him.
I hope I've helped.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How should you act towards a guy on a 2nd date?
If you were being yourself on the first date, and you both enjoyed each other's company enough to go on a second, then it's obvious he likes you. Continue to be yourself. The second date is still about having a good time. So don't take the date too serious, and avoid heavy topics such as politics, religion, sex and marriage. Remember, it's just the second date and have a good time. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
What is a one night stand ?

What's a one night stand to you because I know some people say its one thing, and then other people say something different about it.
A one night stand is when you meet someone and hook up with them for casual sex. It's called a one night stand because you generally have sex with them the day you meet them, and you don't communicate or spend any time with them after that. If you're interested in a one night stand, be sure to wrap it up and be safe. You wouldn't want any itchy reminders of your one night affair the next day.
I hope I've helped.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How to Break Up With Someone

I've attached a video below that has great pointers on breakups. But, I'd like to include and elaborate on some things not mentioned in the video. Plan on breaking up face to face. Don't even think about text messaging. Remember how Carrie felt on Sex in the City when she was dumped with a post it note? That was just rude.
Be prepared to give a reason to why you want to break up. That doesn't mean list everything that you didn't like about them. But be honest, and keep it simple. And, be clear about the break up. Don't say that you need time off, if you want a permanent break up.
Consider how hurt the person may be and leave them alone once you've made the breakup. You lingering around will just make it tougher on them, and possibly lead to a fight. The last thing you want is to be attacked and have to call the cops. You don't want to go there, you just don't. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Is Chivalry Dead?

Is Chivalry Dead?
Some say that chivalry died with the women's equal rights movement. I've heard men say that they are confused about what to do most of the time. If they don't open the door for a woman, there's a problem. And if they do open the door, they're at risk for dealing with a feminist shouting, "I don't need you to open my door. I can do it myself." Then they are those men that just don't have a clue in the first place.
In my opinion, chivalry in America is in a coma. It's not quite dead, but very hard to find. When you meet a new guy, find a subtle way of explaining to him that you like gentlemen that open doors, bring flowers and such. If he doesn't get it, move on because chivalry is definitely dead in him. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
I thought I would add this video to take you into the weekend. I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What kind of problems can be involved in verbal and physical abuse?
I hope I've helped.
How to Give a Hot Massage
I hope I've helped.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Am I reading too much into this?

Yes, you're reading too much into the situation. People say things like that all the time. I think you should go to Vegas too. But, not necessarily for this guy. I'm sure he's thinking of the distance between Vegas and Illinois. So it sounds like he's just trying to have fun, which is fine if that's what you want as well. But, don't expect anything serious with him. He's already tied up. It's obvious that he's trying to make something work with his Vegas baby. Have fun while you're there, and get the hell out of town. Good luck!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Do I talk or complain to much to this guy ?

I text him not everyday but maybe once a week. Few texts to babble or joke around. He told me to stop texting and that my problem is I talk too much. And I never really asked him for anything and one day that I do - he said 'I'm always complaining".If he finds me annoying does it mean he doesn't like me ?
Uh, yes.
Stop wasting your time with someone that is such a jerk to you. Don't even tell him that you're done. He'll just say you're talking and complaining too much. Just walk away, and no more text messages. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
Should I help him out of jail and stay with him?

Let's be honest here. A lot of times, we see the signs and the know the answers, but it hurts too much to deal with it. Your boyfriend was planning on breaking up with you. But was arrested, and now says that he'll never leave you. What do you think? Tell the jailbird not to drop the soap and move on, or you'll find yourself pissed off when he gets out of jail and you find him with another woman.
Look at the bright side. Being caught up with a guy with this kind of drama in his personal life will only weigh you down. You don't need it. Good luck.
I hope I've helped.
Does he want to commit? Or is he just stalling?
My long term boyfriend and I were discussing the future the other night when I mentioned how I wanted to stay with him forever. His reply was "forever is a long time."I was a little concerned because this seems like it would lead into that he didn't want to commit to me so I pointed out that previously he said he wanted to become engaged soon and now this (and a few other statements) made it seems as though he now longer felt that way.After a few minutes discussion he tells me that it's not a matter of whether or not I am the woman he wants to marry, (Apparently I am despite him showing some doubt) it's the timing. Not the timing of the marriage, however, I'm perfectly fine with waiting a white to marry, but he seems to want to continue to wait to become engaged, even though we have already promised to stay with each other no matter what.So tell me if his theory holds water to you or not: Even if you are with the right person, if you become engaged at the wrong time it can ruin everything.Does this make sense to you?
If you don't mind waiting for marriage, why not wait for the engagement? The engagement period is to prepare for the wedding, in which he's made it clear that he's not ready. I'm sorry to say it, but it seems that you're rushing to get him tied down.
You haven't said anything to make me think he's stalling. Sometimes, a person just isn't ready, and it's not about not wanting to commit. It could be that he has goals that he wants to achieve before marriage. Or, that he wants to be able to provide his wife (in this case it would be you) with a certain type of lifestyle.
Relax, and enjoy the time you spend dating. Once you get married, it'll never be the same. And, give the man a little more time. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
I am single and not talking to anyone, loneliness seems to be bringing me down, i don't miss my ex?

Sometimes loneliness can be mistaken with being bored. If you have time to be lonely, then you're not busy living. First, learn how to spend time alone with yourself, without feeling lonely. Then, find a hobby, develop new interests and spend time with your friends and family. Now is the time to learn that second language you've always been interested in, or reading a book that you've never had time to get to. The more active you are living your life, the greater chance you have of meeting someone new, and having more to offer them. Good luck.
I hope I've helped.
Do you think he will still go out with me on a third date?
I had a first date with a guy. On our first date, we ended up having a really good make out session. Kissing, cuddling and hugging. We had a second date and I started feeling a little awkward around him compared to our first date. I really like him. Really really do but why was I too shy to hug him or kiss him on our 2nd date? I felt like it went from a romantic first date to a friendly second date. I don't want to make him think that I am not interested in him or that I don't care. I just felt so awkward that I felt that I wasn't really in my right senses. Please help?I felt that when we parted ways on our 2nd date, I wasn't looking at him or I didn't even hug or kiss him at least on the cheek because I was so out of my mind. I can't even remember what exactly happen because I was so nervous.I feel so bad. I sent him a message thanking him for coming to see me and he replied no problem!
This is a tough one. I think it's too early to tell if he'll ask you out on a third date. Wait a couple of days to see what happens.
If you really like him, and don't hear from him in a couple of days, call him and talk to him. Tell him that you were so nervous on the second date, that you feel horrible about it. Then offer a "do-over" by taking him out. Most likely it'll give him an ego boost regarding your feelings for him and he'll think it's cute. Good luck!
I hope I've helped.
I want to do something naughty....?

I want to do something naughty and I don't know what to do. I don't have a BF or anyone and plus I'm really really horny lol. I just can't shake it off...what should I do?
Buy a toy, or use your hand and be naughty with yourself. Sex stores are open 24 hours a day if you feel like getting out for a spell. If you're alone, with a toy (or hand) I'm sure you can figure it out. Good luck.
I hope I've helped.
I am 18, I am dating a 22 year old. We go on dates, I pay for myself, he offers, but accepts my money when I decline, without any hesitation.I found out that he is rich, he never told me this. But if he has this money, why doesn't he just pay for me?!!!
No, he isn't using you. He has his own money, remember. And, he can't pay for you because you always decline. Being passive/aggressive confuses people. Be clear. If you want him to pay, accept his offers.
I hope I've helped.
Should I stop talking to my ex?
My boyfriend and I broke up almost a month ago now....I was completely depressed and heartbroken, then I started to feel a little better and haven't broke off contact with him. We have been having casual "friend" conversations, but I don't know if its good for me. Im still ssssooo madly inlove with him and thnk that talking to him a few minutes a day is better than not talking to him at all. The highlight of my day is the fact that I might get to see him or talk to him. I have to force myself from texting him saying I miss him, almost every night. My question is, should I completely break off contact with him? I don't want to by any means, but even though I want to get back together with him like you wouldn't beleive, I think talking to him might be making thingsworse...what do you think? Im going out of my mind without him and it hurts :(
Yes, you should definitely stop talking to your ex. Since you still have strong feelings for him, there's no way you'll be able to be "just" friends. You'll constantly be thinking of your relationship. Cut it off completely. It'll be hard initially, but it'll be easier to get over him. Once you've successfully managed to move on, then you can consider establishing a friendship.
I hope I've helped.
How to keep a relationship from going stale?

I have been seeing someone - and it will be our 2 year anniversary in Dec. Things are going fine - but once in a while things feel mundane and the relationship can get bland.What do you do in your relationship to keep the chemistry and the spice in your life?
You both have to take the initiative to keep things spiced up. Plan a surprise date that that is either romantic, sexy or fun and adventurous. Whatever you do, make sure it's something that you haven't done before.
For example, for a fun date, you can go to a game center with video games, put/put golf and golf car racing. Or for a sexy date you can make dinner in your sexist lingerie followed by a little after dinner strip tease show. Do anything as long as its new.
I hope I've helped.
Why am I always jealous of my boyfriends' past?
as in who they dated in the past...ive always been like this. i want to be the center of their world and i know i cant. what do i do
One simple word: Insecurity. Wanting to be the center of a person's world is not healthy. And it usually means that you need their attention to fill a void that you feel within yourself. Find a way to become happy with yourself on the inside and out. Take the time to explore your own personal interests. The key is to become so content with who you are as a person that you're no longer concerned about his ex-girlfriends. You know that they can't hold a candle to you, and he knows it as well. That's why he's with you instead of them.I hope I've helped.
Is it weird to be 19 and never have had a boyfriend?
I hope I helped.
Joining the World of Blogging

Well, I've gone and done it. I have finally joined the rank of the thousands of bloggers in cyberworld. I said I'd never do it, but then I'm also the one that will try anything (and by that I mean most things, not all things) once. Being the perfectionist that I can be at times, I tried to do a little research on blogging before actually taking the dive.
In short, I've learned that a blogger should: 1. Stay on topic 2. Be informative 3. Stick to a schedule 4. Keep it simple 5. Blog frequently and last, but not least 6. Proof read.
I'm very excited about this new venture, but I want to be honest and up front with my readers. Here's what you can honestly, not expect from me: 1. I probably won't stay on topic. I can be quite random at times. 2. Sometimes I'll be informative, sometimes just random, again. 3. You got it. My schedule is...random. 4. Simple, I can do. 5. See number 3 as a guide to frequency. 6. Umm, I'll definitely try to proof read.
This blog will be geared toward dating, and I'm going to try a different approach. With this blog, I'm encouraging you to ask me dating questions that I will answer in the blog. I look forward to getting to know you new readers and can't wait to hear what you have to say. Please try not to curse at me too much. Although a few might disagree, I do have a heart.