Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Would you take a risk of dating one of your friends and ruining your friendship?
I hope I've helped.
I need to spice up my sex life!

My boyfriend and I have been together a little over 2 years and we have had some problems in the relationship with communication, and other things that couples usually go through from time to time. He says our sex life is boring. That our sex is OKAY, but getting boring, and that he wants me to try to be like a porn star (which personally offends me even though I know better.)
I've worn lingerie but he just takes it off and trys to have sex. I'm too shy to try stripping, but should I just do it anyway? We are sexual everyday. He likes me to go down on him everyday, or touch him and play with him everyday, which I dont mind. We also walk around naked all the time. Is this taking away from our sex life? We've used toys but he doesn't seem interested that much in them anymore. And porn used to be a regular thing, but now its on occasion. We've had a three some, but don't suggest that because I wont be allowing it again. It just didn't sit well with me emotionally.
He basically likes one position and always trys to end up in that one position, even though I tell him to switch it up He doesn't. And I tell him to try more areas. He sticks to the bed. What should I do? He says he knows this and will try but he never does. He says I don't seem like I'm having sex for love, but to just go through the motions. I feel the same, but of him. I try to kiss him, make noises and tell him how I feel. But, he makes me shush because everyone can hear everything in our apartment complex.
It doesn't seem like my efforts go anywhere. I know I must be boring in bed and I'm not all too experienced. Any suggestions? I've tried everything I can think of. We love each other very much and are faithful to one another. We have stresses, but we're trying to work them out and I really want to regain our sex life. Please help!
It sounds like you're putting in the effort to spice things up. You don't sound boring in bed in the least bit! You're a regular sex vixen (and I mean that as a complement.) He's the dud. First, if you're not comfortable stripping for him, then don't do it. Don't do anything you're not ready to do.
Second of all, you're doing enough to bring some life back into the sex. He now needs to make an effort, and telling you to be like a porn star doesn't count. Ask him what he would like, since your efforts aren't working for him. Complaining without offering any suggestions doesn't cut it. Then tell him you need him to take some initiative instead of having to do all of the work yourself. Relationships are give and take, even in (or if you're lucky, out of) the bed.
Your sex life is too thought out. It lacks spontaneity, and passion. But since you two are also having problems outside of sex, could it be that your stale sex life is a reflection of your other problems? Its possible that if you solve your other problems first, the sex may fall into place.
Sex With My Brother In Law

Sex With My Brother in Law
This is really embarassing for me. Last week my wife and I were visiting her brother and his wife in California. Our wives went out to visit some old maid aunt and my brother-in-law ad I were watching a football game and dinking a few beers, just normal guy stuff. Our wives called to say they were gonna spend the night since the aunt was sick. When the game was over, we did a few tequila shots and then this movie came on with a sex scene. I don't know how it happened, but we got wasted. We started kissing and before we knew it, we were getting undressed.To make a long story short, we wound up having gay (unprotected) sex. I woke up the next day in his bed naked with a major hangover. Luckily, we got everything cleaned up before the wives came back. I don't know how this happened or what to do. Believe me or not, I have NEVER had a homosexual desire in my life. If my wife finds out, she will leave me and I love her. I CANNOT tell her, she will never forgive me for having sex with her little brother. To make matters worse, my brother-in-law is threatening to tell her. What can I do? Telling my wife the truth is NOT an option, so please don't even say it.
Well, since you're set on not telling her, you need to talk with your brother in law and find out why he wants to tell her. Try to explain to him, that you made a big mistake, and you love your wife and want you don't want to loose her. Then ask him what he's hoping to achieve by telling her.
Either way, if she finds out, it's not just you she'll be through with. She'll be done with her brother as well. I think you should also be honest with yourself. No matter how wasted you get, you don't sleep with someone that you have absolutely no desire for. It may be hard to face, but you don't want to fool yourself. In the end, all secrets come to the surface. If she finds out now, she'll be upset, but with time she may come around. If she finds out from someone else after some time has passed, she won't be able to get over it. At that point, its beyond betrayal. Its also the fact that you hid it from her. I just think you should consider the outcome of all possible decisions. Good luck. And for future reference, stay away from the Tequila.
I hope I've helped!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Great Gifts under $50 for Men
I hope I've helped.
Have I done the right thing?

I've been with my partner for two years, and have a one year old son. My partner is always telling me how stupid I am, or how lazy I am because I am just a mother. He drinks a lot, takes drugs a lot, and stays in bed all day, and works long hours. Sometimes he can be a caring man and nice, and a wonderful father. But, its destroying my confidence being with him. I told him I want to leave, and he said nobody would ever want to be with me. I hope I have done the right thing for me and my son, but I dont want to deprive my son. Please help.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Do I have some kind of freak on my hands or what?

Sunday, November 2, 2008
How do I get a man to divorce his wife and be with me?

How do I get a man to divorce his wife and be with me?
He's only staying with her for the kids which doesn't make much sense to me.
Did it ever occur to you the pain you might cause the wife, or his kids? Or the fact that she'd now have to raise their kids alone? Did it ever occur to you that if you had this man to yourself, he might cheat on you too? Probably not.
These situations always end up the same. You can't make anyone do anything that they don't want to do. If he wanted to leave his wife, believe me, he would leave. He's using his kids as an excuse to you, while stringing you along. He's having his cake, and eating it, and you're feeding it to him darling. And, think about it, the last thing you would want is for him to leave his wife for you, then later find out that he's now cheating on you with someone else. Walk away.
I hope I've helped.
How do you let a man know you find him attractive in public?

You know those moments when you're on the bus or walking along the street and a nice guy catches your eye or you see him checking you out? What do you do as a woman in those situations?
Why don't some black men date black women?

In the beginning of America, white slave masters could rape black women, and it was acceptable and encouraged. Black men could do nothing about it at that time. Some say that subconsciously black men that only date white women do so, as a response to what happened during slavery. Either way, there are still very prominent race issues in this country, and I think that these type of men have these dating preferences because of their own insecurities and feels of inferiority.